Gawgeous Explainers that will make you go - woooow!

Priyank Loonker
May 18, 2023

Compelling copy, visuals that make you sit up and pay attention, colors that pop your screen, transitions that feel like magic and sound that grip your soul - a lot goes into making a video that can not only hold your attention but make you go woooow! 

But the real mastery is in taking a difficult topic like AI, big data, blockchain, Machine learning, biohacking and producing a wooow explainer around it. Here’s a list of explainers by some of the top studios around the world that are jaw dropping, awe inspiring and so delicious to look at that you will want to watch them more than once. 

  1. Keplertek | AI & Robotics Ecosystem by Petrick Animation 

I have watched this one so many times and I am still marveling at it. Detailed and futuristic, it strangely feels like watching an animated Mandala and yet this is a video about the applications of AI. Don’t miss it.  

  1. Webflow - Welcome to the age of No Code! by Ordinary Folk - Motion Design & Animation 

Webflow is the new darling of the SaaS world and as revolutionary the product is, this video is no less. When I watched it for the first time, I felt like watching a promo for Star wars. The music is clearly inspired from the movie “ Interstellar” and it complements the visuals that promise a new world.  

  1. LineWorks Promo Film by Hello Grabit 

One of the biggest strengths of animation is the ability to blur the lines between 2D & 3D, real & virtual. The first time you watch it, you will probably appreciate its illustrations and animation. But the next time you watch it, you will see the underlying genius in the way it's been visualized. So detailed and yet such a light breezy film to watch. 

  1. NETGEAR by Humdinger & Sons 

I like to think of videos as food. And this one to me is crisp, zero fat, just what the doctor prescribed. 

  1. SLACK // What is Slack? by Giant Ant 

One of my all time favorite videos by one of my all time favorite studios from one of my all time favorite products. When I had just started my explainer video company, this had changed the whole definition of what a product video should look like - no characters, no elaborate backgrounds - just random shapes carefully choreographed and clinically executed. This one is a beauty! 

  1. MasterCard - "By the Numbers" by Ant Food 

If there was a category of “Smoothest Transition” in the Explainer video awards, this video would have been nominated as all 5 nominees. Plus illustration that feels light as a feather, you won’t realize how easily it shifts its pov from one character to another. Masterpiece by mastercard. 

  1. SmarterDC by Swell 

TBH, this one is the least impressive in this steller list. But when you consider that the producers of this video had an unenviable job of visualizing a smart city without overwhelming the viewer with a futuristic vision but getting them to empathize with a humanistic vision of a smarter city - ( smarter city is for everyone), you realize how well they have accomplished the job.